Based on the assessment of Higher Education Research performance within the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2013 – 2015 period, research performance at Swiss German University reached the Primary level as of August 18, 2016 based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Number: 2331/DRPM/TU/2016 concerning Assessment Results University Research Performance 2013-2015.
DRPM (Directorate of Research, Technology and Community Service), Directorate General of Higher Education and Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology launched the results of the 2023 higher education research performance assessment, which stated that SGU won the “Main Cluster” based on the Decree of the Director of Research, Technology and Community Service Number 0241/ E5/DT.06.01/2023 dated 28 February 2023 concerning Determination of Higher Education Clusterization based on Research Performance and Community Service.
The clustering of higher education institutions in 2023 is based on the results of processing SINTA-based higher education performance data in the period 2019 to 2021. The calculated performance data is data that has been verified and validated by the verifier of the Higher Education Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM). Based on an analysis of verified data, there are 44 tertiary institutions included in the independent group, 192 main groups, 367 middle groups and 500 primary groups.
This higher education research performance assessment has an impact on research budget quotas, management of decentralized funds in accordance with the research master plan of each tertiary institution, map of needs for capacity building programs per cluster, and research management mechanisms. Given the strategic role of higher education research performance appraisal, all tertiary institutions are required to submit their research performance data for the next period’s assessment.