Call for Proposals: CENTRAL RESEARCH FUND (CRF) PROGRAM for 2023/2024


Over the past years Swiss German University (SGU) has provided the academic staff with resources for research or scientific publication which is managed within the University, called the Central Research Fund (CRF). The fund has been used by the academic staff quite well in some departments, and yet only a few in other departments. On the other hand, SGU as a university continues to encourage the academic staff to carry out research and community services as two of the three pillars of the university’s three dharma, as the university’s contribution and dedication to education, science, and community.

Currently SGU is categorized as a university with “Utama” status for research activity which is entitled to obtain certain amount of research grant from  Kemdikbudristek. Therefore, in the effort to leverage the academic staff activity in research, SGU is still granting competitive internal research fund under CRF scheme for the year period of 2023/2024. So that the SGU researchers will have more opportunities for research grants, in addition to the grants obtained from Kemdikbudristek or other institutions. This is to encourage researchers in particular or those who are still not eligible to apply for Kemdikbudristek grant for one reason or another, to get involved in research. Research is also one of evaluation components for study program accreditation by Kemdikbudristek


  1. CRF will be provided, on competitive basis, for a research team addressing scientific problems covering various research methodology such as experiments, prototyping, and modeling. The Team will be mentioned as Central Research Team (CR Team) from now on in this guidelines.
  2. A multidisciplinary approach that is in line with the established Research Centers and or Research Groups is encouraged to apply.
  3. Proposal can be written in English or Indonesian.
  4. The CR Team, comprises of one team leader and minimum one additional team member, is expected to write and submit a research proposal to the CR Reviewer Committee following a template attached as the appendix of this guidelines.
  5. The CR Team proposals will be evaluated by CR Reviewer Committee based on the criteria listed in the appendix. The results of the CR Reviewer Committee evaluation is final.
  6. CR Reviewer Committee is led by the Vice Rector Academic Affairs, with members composed of the ARCS Director and appointed academician(s) who has experiences in scientific research and publication and holds minimum a Doctorate degree.
  7. For CRF 2023/2024 Program, the project duration is maximum 9 (nine) months, from 18 September 2023 to max. 15 June 2023. The grant is limited to a maximum of IDR 50 Millions per team.
  8. The CR Team who is granted with the CR funding is obliged to make a presentation in national and/or international scientific meeting in Indonesia (the conference should be conducted at the latest 1 (one) month after the project end), and to submit at least one article to a scientific international journal or to an accredited national journal. The submission of the latter should be conducted in a time frame not later than 3 (three) months after the end of the research project.
  9. The CR Team who is granted with the CR funding is obliged to submit a proposal to Kemdikbudristek and/or other external funds.
  10. All academic staff are encouraged to develop and submit research proposal. Please use the CR proposal template as in Appendix 1.
  11. One lecturer can participate in max. 2 (two) CRF projects, and be a CR Team Leader in max. 1 (one) CRF project.
  12. CRF is prioritized for lecturers who do not have research fund from other institution or who is not eligible to obtain research grant from Kemdikbudristek.
  13. The output and or outcome of CRF in the past year will be used to determine the eligibility of the next year’s proposal submission.


  1. The CR Team proposals are to be submitted at the latest on 04 September 2023.
  2. The CR Teams will explain their proposals by presentation between 05-08 September 2023.
  3. The CRF Committee will evaluate the proposals, the screening results will be announced on 13 September 2023.
  4. The approved CR Team, represented by the Leader, will sign a contract with SGU for the disbursement of CR fund will be on 15 September 2023.
  5. The approved CR Team will be monitored and evaluated in January-February 2024.
  6. The final report must be presented and submitted at the latest 1 (one) week after the end of research project.


To apply for CRF grant, please submit a research proposal using a template attached as the appendix of the guidelines that include following information related to the research object:

  • Background
  • Research Problem
  • Objectives & Outcomes
  • Literature Review
  • Methods
  • Activities and Time Schedule
  • Job Description & Research Load of CR Team
  • Estimated Required Budget
  • References
  • CV of Team Leader, Team Members, and supporting staff. Track record to the related proposed topic will be valued.

Further Information: 

CRF Guidelines and proposal template can be found here (restricted to SGU accounts only)

For further information related to the programs, you can also contact staffs of SGU ARCS department