• Researcher with Highest Sinta Score Overall
  • Sinta Score overall: 1.232
  • Sinta score 3 Year: 215
  • Scopus H Index: 6

Maria D.P.T. Gunawan has a strong background in food technology and biochemistry. She is a member of the Food Technology faculty at Swiss German University. Maria obtained her doctoral degree in Food Biochemistry from the Applied Bioscience Laboratory, where she likely conducted research related to the biochemical properties of food and its implications for health and safety.

Prior to her Ph.D., Maria earned a Master of Science degree in Applied Bioscience from Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan. Her master’s studies likely focused on advanced topics in bioscience with applications in various fields, possibly including food science and technology.

Before her graduate studies in Japan, Maria completed her Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering at the Agricultural University (IPB) in Bogor, Indonesia. This background suggests a solid foundation in agricultural sciences, which she likely built upon during her subsequent studies and research endeavors.

Maria was awarded as Dosen Berprestasi 1 Bidang Ilmu Sains dan Teknologi LLDIKTI IV in 2016. Overall, Maria D.P.T. Gunawan’s academic journey reflects a commitment to advancing her knowledge and expertise in food technology and biochemistry through rigorous education and research experiences in prestigious institutions both in Japan and Indonesia. Her diverse educational background equips her with a broad understanding of agricultural and bioscience principles, which she can apply to her teaching, research, and professional endeavors at Swiss German University.