In accordance with the Tri Dharma of the Swiss German University (education, research and community service), the role of the Academic Research and Community Services (ARCS) of the Swiss German University internally and externally is:

  • Carry out two of the Tridharma of Higher Education, namely carrying out research and doing community service and encouraging the publication of the results of the implementation of the two activities.
  • The place for the application of science and technology is based on the needs of the community by the academic community of the Swiss German University directly to the wider, institutionalized and professional community through the scientific method.
  • Is one of the institutions at the Swiss German University whose task is to develop a research culture in higher education and encourage the utilization of the results to support the mission of higher education and national development in a sustainable manner.
  • Producing professional researchers from Swiss German University who are assets of the nation based on their knowledge and competence so that they can be of benefit to the nation and state.