INCOGITE 5th: Accelerating Regional Economic Growth through Collaborative Networks

Aditya Bhatara

The 5th INCOGITE (International Conference on Global Innovation and Trends in Economy) was held again. This year, SGU, UPH and UMN co-hosted the 5th INCOGITE 2024 with the Institute of Tourism & International Business (IPBI) and the University of Jember held in Bali, Indonesia.

The 5th INCOGITE raised the theme “Accelerating Regional Economic Growth Through Collaborative Networks”. This event was held at the Bali Tourism and International Business Institute (IPBI) in a hybrid manner. Around 100 participants attended the conference, both online and onsite.

The Board of Editors and Reviewers for the 5th INCOGITE consists of representatives from 9 countries, namely Indonesia, Philippines, UK, Malaysia, Australia, South Korea, Germany, Singapore, and France.

The event began with an opening by the MC, followed by singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya onsite and online. Then, the event continued with a prayer together. The onsite participants were welcomed with a traditional Balinese dance, the Pendet dance, performed by IPBI students.

The opening remarks were delivered by the Chairman of INCOGITE 2024, Dr. Yosman Bustaman, M.Buss. Afterwards, SGU Rector, Dr. Dipl-Ing. Samuel P. Kusumocahyo, delivered an online welcoming address. IPBI Rector, Dr. I Made Sudjana, S.E., MM, CHT, CHA, also delivered his onsite welcome address as co-host of INCOGITE 2024.


The keynote speech was delivered by Dr. Denok Lestari, M.Hum., Associate Professor from IPBI Bali, with the topic “Communicate Your Personal Brand, Create Your Own Trend”. The first plenary session was filled by Guest Speaker Prof. Cihan Cobanoglu from the University of South Florida.

After the plenary session, the event continued with parallel sessions divided into five breakout rooms according to the theme: Finance, Accounting, & Investment, IT & Operations, Marketing & Tourism, Strategic Management & Human Resource, Communication in Business.

After the parallel session, the event continued with the third plenary session filled by Guest Speakers, namely Dr. Wade Azmy from Western Sydney University and National University of Singapore, and Prof. Tashiro Akiko, Ph.D. from Hokkaido University, Japan.


The event also gave awards for best paper and best presenter. Here are the recipients of the awards:

Best Paper
1. Nur Hania Amilla, V. Viverita with the title “The Effect of Financial Soundness on Bank Financial Performance during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Role of Bank”.
2. Robert Ezekiel Lee, Yosman Bustaman with the title “Analysis Of Corporate Governance, Market Concentration, And Diversification On Financial Stability In The Indonesian Banking Sector”.
3. I Wayan Kiki Sanjaya, Gede Yoga Kharisma Pradana, Made Sudjana, Made Arya Astina, I Ketut Muliadiasa with the title “The Involvement of the Animo Timpag People in the Development of Tourism Villages in Bali”.

Best Presenter
1. Jason Jo Suhadi with the title “Analysis Of The Implementation Of Digital Accounting For Internal Auditors”.
2. Brainard Thomson with the title “Enhancing Security and Land Protection Department at PT. XYZ Through a Digitalized Reporting System”.
3. Kayla Jocelyn Charis with the title “The Impact of Product Knowledge and Product Awareness Towards Coffee Bean Quality: A Case Study In Morning Glory Coffee”.
4. Fadly Adismar with the title “The Roles Of Product Innovation, Product Attributes, Digital Platform Capabilities, and Customer Engagement Towards Customer Loyalty In The Video Game Industry”.
5. LeRoy Tim Ruhupatty with the title “Enabler of Knowledge-Sharing Behavior: A Conceptual Model”.

All papers will be published by a reputable international publication, Atlantis Press’ Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research proceedings series, and submitted to indexation databases such as Google Scholar, DOAJ, Dimensions ProQuest, EBSCO, and others.

INCOGITE 5th successfully became a forum for academics, practitioners, and students to exchange ideas and innovations in the fields of economics, business, and management. With its theme, the event was expected to encourage regional economic growth through effective collaborative networks. Participants gained new insights and opportunities to collaborate in creating trends and innovations that positively impact the regional and global economy.

The collaboration between SGU and IPBI Bali in organizing this conference demonstrates the importance of cooperation between educational institutions in facing challenges and seizing opportunities in the era of globalization. As such, INCOGITE 5th successfully achieved its goal as a platform that facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience to drive sustainable regional economic growth.

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