Improving Content Creation Skills: A Workshop for Small and Medium Enterprises in Tangerang City

Aditya Bhatara



On Tuesday, August 13, 2024, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Tangerang City hosted a significant event titled “Kegiatan Peningkatan Kompetensi Content Creator.” This workshop, held at the Gedung Budaya Kota Tangerang, was specifically designed to empower local entrepreneurs from the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) sector. With the rapid digital transformation and the growing importance of online presence, the workshop aimed to equip these business owners with essential skills in content creation to boost their digital marketing efforts.

The workshop featured Panji Nandiasa Ananda Mukadis, M.M., a seasoned lecturer from Swiss German University (SGU), as the keynote speaker. Panji is well-known for his expertise in media and digital marketing, making him an ideal choice to lead this initiative. His session focused on the fundamentals of content creation, tailored specifically to meet the needs of Tangerang’s UMKM community.

In his opening remarks, Panji highlighted the crucial role that digital content plays in today’s business environment. He noted that for many small and medium enterprises, having a strong online presence is no longer optional but essential for survival and growth. “In a world where consumers increasingly rely on digital platforms for their purchasing decisions, the ability to create engaging and relevant content can make or break a business,” Panji explained.

Understanding that many of the workshop participants might have limited experience with digital tools, Panji provided a step-by-step approach to content creation. He began by discussing the different types of content—such as text, images, and videos—and how each can be utilized to reach different segments of the audience. He also introduced participants to affordable and user-friendly tools that can help them produce high-quality content without needing extensive technical skills.

Panji guided the participants through the process of identifying their brand’s unique value propositions and translating these into compelling narratives that resonate with their target audience. He provided examples of successful brand stories from various industries and demonstrated how even small businesses can craft powerful stories that connect with consumers on an emotional level.

Given the widespread use of social media, Panji devoted a section of his presentation to exploring how platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok can be leveraged for business growth. He discussed the importance of understanding platform-specific algorithms, choosing the right platform based on the target audience, and maintaining a consistent posting schedule to keep the audience engaged.

Participants learned how to create content that aligns with their brand identity while also taking advantage of social media trends to increase visibility. Panji also provided insights into how to use analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of their content and make data-driven decisions to improve their strategies. One of the highlights of the workshop was its interactive nature. Panji encouraged participants to share their experiences and challenges in content creation. This open dialogue allowed for a more personalized learning experience, where participants could seek advice on specific issues they were facing.

During the workshop, participants were given the opportunity to draft content based on what they had learned. Panji provided real-time feedback, helping them refine their work and offering suggestions for improvement. This hands-on approach ensured that the participants not only absorbed the theoretical knowledge but also gained practical skills that they could apply to their businesses immediately.

The response from the participants was overwhelmingly positive. Many expressed their gratitude for the practical insights and actionable tips provided by Panji. A participant who runs a small fashion business commented, “This workshop has been incredibly helpful. I’ve always struggled with creating content that stands out, but now I have a clearer idea of how to connect with my customers through storytelling.”

The workshop was not just about teaching content creation; it was about building a stronger, more resilient UMKM community in Tangerang. By equipping local entrepreneurs with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive in the digital age, the Department of Culture and Tourism is helping to foster economic growth and sustainability in the region.

Panji Nandiasa Ananda Mukadis closed the session with a message of encouragement, urging the participants to continue learning and experimenting with new ideas. He reminded them that while content creation can be challenging, it is also a powerful tool for business growth. “The digital world is full of opportunities,” he said. “With the right skills and mindset, you can turn your content into a key driver of your business success.”

The success of this workshop has paved the way for future initiatives aimed at supporting the UMKM sector in Tangerang. The Department of Culture and Tourism plans to continue offering similar programs that address the evolving needs of local entrepreneurs. By providing ongoing support and resources, they aim to ensure that the UMKM community remains competitive in an increasingly digital marketplace.

The workshop is a testament to the commitment of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Tangerang City and Swiss German University to support local businesses. By providing access to expert knowledge and practical skills, the event has paved the way for these entrepreneurs to thrive in the digital economy.

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