Forging a New Era of Educational Collaboration: MoU Signing between Swiss German University and Institut Teknologi PLN

Aditya Bhatara

Thursday, August 8th, 2024- In a significant move to enhance the landscape of higher education in Indonesia, Swiss German University (SGU) and Institut Teknologi PLN (IT PLN) formalized a partnership through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU, underscores a mutual commitment to advancing the Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi—encompassing education, research, and community service—alongside the development of human resources through targeted training, expert provision, and workshops.

The MoU signing ceremony was a high-profile event, with distinguished representatives from both institutions in attendance, each bringing their unique perspectives and expertise to the table.

Representing Swiss German University were, Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Samuel P. Kusumocahyo, (Rector of SGU), Dr. Ir. Yosman Bustaman, M.Buss (Dean of the Faculty of Business and Communications), Dr. Soebowo Musa (Head of the Master in Business Administration Study Program), Dr. Hery Sutanto, S.Si., M.Si, (Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology), Aulia Arif Iskandar, S.T., M.T., (Head of the Biomedical Engineering Study Program), Assoc. Prof. Ir. James Purnama, M.Sc (Director of Academic Research and Community Service), Tabligh Permana, M.Si (Head of community service).

On the other side, representing Institut Teknologi PLN were, Prof. Dr. Ir. Iwa Garniwa M K, MT, IPU, (Rector of IT PLN) Dr. Ir. M. Ahsin Sidqi, M.M., IPU., ASEAN. Eng., QRGP, (Vice Rector IV (Partnership and Business Department)), Yozika Arvio, ST., M.Kom, (Manager of Partnerships), Dr. Ir. Eri Prabowo, M.Kom, (Director of Lemtera) Sapto Yuwono, MM, (Manager of Lemtera) M. Hatta, (Staff in the Partnerships Department).

The agreement between SGU and IT PLN is firmly rooted in the Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi, a foundational concept in Indonesian higher education that emphasizes three essential pillars: education, research, and community service.

A key focus of the MoU is the enhancement of joint research activities. Both universities will collaborate on research initiatives that address pressing local and global challenges. These research efforts will involve joint publications, shared research facilities, and co-supervision of research projects, particularly in fields such as engineering, business, and technology. The synergy created by combining their research capacities is expected to yield innovative solutions and contribute to academic and industry advancements.

A central theme of the MoU is the development of human resources, which both SGU and IT PLN recognize as crucial to the success of their collaboration and to the broader goals of educational and societal advancement. The MoU outlines several initiatives aimed at enhancing the skills and knowledge of students, faculty, and staff.

The MoU includes a commitment to develop and deliver joint training programs. These programs will be designed to address the specific needs of various industries, ensuring that participants acquire the necessary skills to thrive in their respective fields. Training will be offered in both technical and soft skills, reflecting the diverse requirements of today’s job market.

Both institutions will collaborate in the provision of experts for educational and research activities. This could involve guest lectures, mentorship opportunities, and consultancy services, providing valuable insights from both academic and industry professionals.

A series of workshops will be organized to complement the educational and research activities outlined in the MoU. These workshops will cover a wide range of topics, from advanced technical subjects to leadership and innovation, helping participants to stay ahead in a rapidly changing world.

The signing of the MoU between Swiss German University and Institut Teknologi PLN marks a significant milestone in the pursuit of educational and research collaboration. By aligning their efforts with the Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi and focusing on human resource development, these two institutions are well-positioned to make a lasting impact on the academic and professional landscape of Indonesia. As they move forward, the partnership promises to deliver innovative solutions, enhanced educational experiences, and meaningful contributions to society.

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