Congratulations from ARCS Swiss German University on Receiving Kemendikbudristek Grants for 2024

ARCS Swiss German University is thrilled to announce that two of our esteemed researchers, Kholis Abdurachim Audah, M.Sc, Ph.D, and Maria Dewi P.T Gunawan Puteri, M.Sc., Ph.D, have been awarded prestigious grants from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) for their innovative projects in 2024.

Dr. Kholis Abdurachim Audah: Pioneering Sustainable Biodiversity-Based Drug Discovery
Dr. Kholis Abdurachim Audah has been granted the Penelitian Terapan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi scheme for his groundbreaking research titled “Tanaman Mangrove Sebagai Model Penemuan Bahan Obat Berbasis Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia yang Berkelanjutan”. This project aims to explore the potential of Indonesia’s rich biodiversity, specifically mangrove plants, as a source of new and sustainable pharmaceutical compounds. By leveraging the unique properties of mangrove ecosystems, Dr. Audah’s research holds promise for developing novel drugs that could address a range of medical needs while also promoting the conservation of these vital natural resources.

Dr. Maria Dewi P.T Gunawan Puteri: Advancing Plant-Based Food Processing Technology
Dr. Maria Dewi P.T Gunawan Puteri has received the Penelitian Terapan – Jalur Hilirisasi (PT-JH) scheme for her innovative project titled “Penerapan Teknologi Pengolahan Kaldu Nabati dari Tempe Semangit untuk Pengembangan Pangan Nabati dari Kacang-kacangan Lokal Non-Kedelai”. This research focuses on utilizing the traditional fermented food, Tempe Semangit, to create a nutrient-rich plant-based broth. By advancing the processing technology of this local delicacy, Dr. Maria aims to enhance the value of local non-soy beans, contributing to the diversification of plant-based foods and promoting sustainable agricultural practices in Indonesia.

ARCS Swiss German University is proud of the achievements of  Dr. Audah and Dr. Maria. Their dedication and innovative approaches not only exemplify the high standards of research at our university but also significantly contribute to the scientific and technological advancements in Indonesia. We believe these projects will foster further collaboration, drive sustainable practices, and enhance the country’s capacity to develop locally sourced and scientifically advanced solutions to global challenges.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Kholis and Dr. Maria for their outstanding achievements and wish them continued success in their research endeavors. Their work reflects the commitment of ARCS Swiss German University to support groundbreaking research that makes a meaningful impact on society.

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